Monday, December 31, 2018

Drink The Bottles 2018 Wine of the Year!

It's really very difficult to pick a singular wine that sums up the best of the best for an entire year.  In some ways, it just doesn't seem fair to show your cards, point and say "This.  This is the one", but scores of folks clamor each year for every wine publication, including bloggers, to tell them "what a good wine is" that they would like.   That question always hurts my head.   Let me start by echoing my own sentiment and one that I always say....

Every wine listed on Drink The Bottles is worth your attention.   They are all worth your hard-earned money and they would not be here if I did not think you and your tribe would enjoy them.  It's that easy.  I taste hundreds of wines each year.   The ones on this blog are the ones that make it.  Some don't.  And that's ok.  You might still love those and hopefully you've fallen in love with a producer or varietal that is your jam.  

Before I get to "the" wine of the year, here are some very, VERY incredible honorable mentions in no particular order:

So, the downside of listing some of my favorite wines is fact that some feelings may get hurt.  That may cause some folks to delete my email address and not take my calls anymore.  I hope not.  Again, every single wine on this blog is a keeper.......or, make that a drinker.   

When I was trying to think about the 2018 Wine of the Year, I had to ask myself, "what in the heck does that mean"?  It comes down to this.  Is the wine readily available?  Is the wine memorable?  Is the wine affordable to most people who appreciate drinking with friends?   This wine was on my radar most of the year and I had no doubt at all that this was going to be the one.

(Drum roll please...............)

The Shepherd 2014 Estate Red
Drink The Bottles 2018 Wine of the Year

This beautiful wine is only $20 and for that price you need to do yourself a favor and pick up half a least!   If you do nothing else today, check out my thoughts on this wine on the blog.

I am really looking forward to 2019 and sharing dozens of wonderful wines with all of you.  If you want to be part of the project, connect with me here on or Instagram.  Cheers!

2021 Pope Valley Winery Reserve Merlot

The history of Pope Valley Winery goes back 1897, when it was founded as Burgundy Winery and Olive Oil Factory by Ed Haus.  One hundred year...