Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Town Branch Overproof Kentucky Straight Whiskey


Town Branch Overproof Kentucky Straight Whiskey

Lexington Brewing & Distilling Company produces some of our favorite products from both the brewing and distilling sides of things.  Their bourbon barrel ale is an absolute game changer in the beer arena.  So far, every one of their whiskeys have resonated with us and our readers, and this one is no exception.  This is the Overproof Kentucky Straight Whiskey under the Town Branch label.  

This is a smart blend of four Kentucky straight whiskeys:  Bourbon Whiskey (70%), Wheated Bourbon Whiskey (10%), Double Oak Whiskey (10%) and Rye Whiskey (10%).  At just 10% Rye and the remaining liquid Bourbon, this is incredibly smooth and flavorful with a finish that is literally mouth-watering.  The mash bills on these whiskeys is:  Bourbon (72% corn, 15% rye, 13% barley), Wheated Bourbon (70% corn, 22% wheat, 8% barley), Double Oak (72% corn, 15% rye, 13% barley finsihes in 90% rye, 5% corn, 5% barley barrels) and Rye (90% rye, 5% corn, 5% barley).  The whiskey ages from four to eight years old.

Those are a lot of numbers to digest, so lets get to the important stuff.  What did we think?

Tasted from a small sample bottle (you can see that in the video below), we tasted this three ..... yes THREE times!  After filming, we finished this bottle because we kept finding new descriptors and the last tasting was after we let this sit in a Glencairn (neat) for about 45 minutes.  Initially we discovered cotton candy, sweet hard candy, fig Newtons and clove on the nose.  There was a nicely balanced proportion of sweetness up front that carried through to the chewy and savory flavors.  Golden raisin, flavored honey sticks, baking spice and pumpkin pie spice rounded out the layers palate-pleasing goodness.  Another bonus about this bottle?  It is an incredible value!

Check out our 3 minute YouTube video!

ABV:  52.0% (104 proof)

Distillery:  Lexington Brewing & Distilling Co.

Suggested retail price:  $39.99

Drink The Bottles score:  93/100

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