The Points

Wine scoring

If we have preached one thing throughout our years as a wine blogger it is this:  Don't get wrapped up in the scores!  Lets repeat that.  Do NOT get wrapped up in the scores.  So, why do most people "score" wines and spirits then, you ask?  Because most people need a guide, or a report card instead of just "word of mouth" when it comes to selecting a wine.  Whether it's the traditional and most popular 100-point system used widely in the United States, or the familiar 20-point system used primarily by the French, grading scales are popular and commonplace and provide guidance on "hey, this is really good" versus "man, I wouldn't let my dog lick that off of a car tire".  You get the point.

What do we look for in a great wine or spirit?  For us, it's the overall product.  It starts with the label.  If the wine or whiskey is on a shelf, does it pull you in?  After the label is the presentation.  How does it look after a generous pour?  What are the aromas?  What are the tastes?  How is the finish?  Is it memorable?  Will you be able to drink it in the future or will be be vinegar in 6 months?  What is the price point?  Is this bottle generally available nationwide or a unicorn that only a few folks will be able to acquire and enjoy?  These are just a few things that go into the overall score.  We should note that the bottle label actually has the least weight of any category in the final score.  

Over the years we have had many wine producers ask us not to give their wines a point rating.  And, to be honest, that is something that we really enjoy (and prefer).  The notes about the wine or spirit should paint a picture for the reader that will quickly allow them to determine whether or not they want to spend their hard earned money on this bottle or that bottle.  So the next time someone tells you that they only drink wines or spirits rated 95 points are higher, tell them that you drink wines and whiskies that taste great, no matter what kind of high school grade that they received.  And then tell them to pound sand.

The secret to enjoying a good wine or whiskey:  Open the bottle and allow it to breathe.  If the bottle does not look like it is breathing, give it mouth to mouth and repeat.  -Unknown

Redwood Empire Grizzly Beast Bottled-In-Bond Bourbon

  Yes, folks.  Exceptional whiskey and bourbon isn't exclusive to eastern Kentucky.  And Redwood Empire is testament to to proving that ...